Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Living Oprah

I just finished the book Living Oprah: My One-Year Experiment to Walk the Walk of the Queen of Talk, by Robyn Okrant, who spent a year following Oprah’s advice on how to "live your best life".

The author was curious (as was I!) if Oprah’s advice could be followed by an “average” non-media mogul, and if that advice would really cause such an improvement.

So, she watched every episode (even the reruns), read O Magazine cover-to-cover and looked to oprah.com for advice whenever she had a question. She kept track of all the time and money she spent, and wrote a blog about the experience.

The book received an average of 4 stars on Amazon.com, but I thought it was…


Stop now if you plan to read the book yourself (although I really don’t recommend that.)

The author complained. A lot. Apparently, your “best life” is stressful and exhausting.

But, she did lose weight (Oprah is a big advocate of exercising and eating right), and her home is now organized and nicely decorated.

Surprisingly, Oprah didn’t recommend anything extravagant, unlike some celebrities who recommend taking trips to Marrakesh (I still love you Gwyneth!). The most expensive item Oprah recommended was a Kindle, at $350. And even then she suggested it only “if you can afford it”.

Obviously (?), nobody is going to do everything Oprah suggests (although, I think there are women out there who come close). But ultimately she does have some pretty good suggestions.

The point is to choose what will help you life YOUR “best life”.

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